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This is all of my work that I have constructed myself that was not necessarily related to any of my highlighted work on the previous page.


Sewing is a skill I learned when I was fairly young because I wanted to make my own Halloween costume (see image to the right). Apparently, I just had to be "gothic Alice in Wonderland" and no, mom, it's not a phase. Either way, with some (a lot) of my grandmother's help, the costume was made and I became addicted to sewing. For my next birthday, I begged for a sewing machine, and, low and behold, I actually got one. Ever since I have not bought a prepackaged Halloween costume and I've been sewing and creating costumes for both myself and my various projects!

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Halloween 2022 - Rapunzel


This Halloween was so fun because it was the first time since high school I found myself with enough time, energy, and resources to go all out on a Halloween costume again, and it was my first Halloween with my cat in years. 

Dinsey's Tangled is one of my partner and I's favorite animated movies with amazing characters so it was no question that we had to dress up as them this year, 

For the Flynn Rider costume and the cat's Pascal costume, many of the pieces were sourced and altered to perfection to recreate these characters' iconic looks. For example, Flynn's tiara-concealing satchel was a plain brown purse that I switched out the strap for and sewed on the patch; and the Pascal costume used to be a stegosaurus I altered to become more lizard-like.

However, Flynn Rider's vest I patterned and sewed myself. I opted for suede rather than true leather to achieve the color we wanted and to cut down on the time I would have to spend and overall costs. Because of the thickness of the material, much of this was hand sewn.

For my Rapunzel costume, my stays were entirely made from scratch (with skills I learned for a corset-making class that I took at USC a few years prior) and my dress was heavily altered. It was hemmed, taken in, had the pink sleeves attached, had lace added, and the top skirt added.

However, the yarn wig was something I had originally constructed for Into the Woodsbut it was ultimately cut during the tech process. Luckily, I just so happened to have the perfect costumes to still take photos of it! The wig was 4 feet long and completely made out of yan. It was hand-made by myself and took nearly 5 skeins of yarn to create. It was my first time ever dabbling into wigging or wig-making and it was a blast to try out! 

The Enchanted Bookshop


This was the first show I had the pleasure of designing with Culver City Public Theatre. This whimsical show required a lot of craftiness that would withstand our outdoor venue. Two of my favorite pieces I made were The Book Fairy's Skirt (left) and The Queen of Hearts Playing Card (right). Click each of these photos for a link to my Instagram to see how they were made. 

My Fair Lady Hats

For this show, I designed, altered, and made over 30 hats. This show is well known for its iconic and eccentric hats at the Ascot horse racing scene particularly, but this was an era where people often did not leave their homes without a warm coat and a good hat (especially in England). Featured in the gallery to the right are some of the hats that made it on stage. 

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