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Into the Woods

October 2022

Into the Woods was a show I wanted to work on for a very long time and I was so excited to have the privilege to do so in my senior year at USC. This was a show that influenced me as an artist from a young age and beckoned me to pursue theatre and the world of design! So, it was a very gratifying, full-circle moment for me in my early career. 


This iteration of Into the Woods, however, would be unlike any Into the Woods anyone had ever dreamed of before. Following a young girl with a rockstar mother, The Narrator, we are transported into a world seen through her eyes. Aesthetically, influenced by graphic novels, 50s Americana, and (of course) punk rock, the show became guided by one question: how would a highly-creative little girl backstage at a rock concert articulate these characters? It was such an adventure to find how each of these genres could complement the others and tell a moving, and beloved story in a new way!

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