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Inuit Snow White Interpretation Project
(R to L above; Evil Queen's Transformation, The Huntsman, Evil Queen, Snow White, The Prince. Below; the seven dwarves)
Portaits of My Cat and I in Different Animation Styles
Perspective Exercise 
Trolls Jr.; Trilliam Trollspeare & Marie Bergenette
Trolls Jr. Initial Designs
Valley of Light, Echo Concept Art
Nausicaa Live Action Redesign Project, Kushana
Midsummer Night's Dream

Genre and Style Flip Book Project

This was a project assigned to me in my costume design II class at USC. In this project, we were to draw over 40 segmented drawings (head, torso, legs, and feet) that reflected different styles, periods, and genres that costumes could become. In the end, it would become a (for the most part) seamless flip book where each head, torso, legs, and feet could make a cohesive, unique, and interesting look (based on this book by Lucille Clerc).

This assignment helped me to sharpen my eye for specific design styles, broaden my designer vocabulary, and helped me learn and improve my drawing and procreate skills. 

I hope you have fun flipping through my digital flip book while finding new and exciting style combinaitions! 

Concept Imagery for
scenic design project
Pretty, Pretty Peggy Moffitt Reboot Project
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